Chardonnay Riesling aged, shabo grand reserve 880 ₴
Riesling, colonist 156 ₴
150 ml
Riesling, colonist 780 ₴
750 ml
Chardonnay aged, shabo reserve 132 ₴
150 ml
Chardonnay aged, shabo reserve 660 ₴
750 ml
Telti Kuruk Aged 280 ₴
Tvishi ,tbilino 184 ₴
150 ml
Tvishi ,tbilino 920 ₴
750 ml
Rkatsiteli, chateau mukhrani 880 ₴
750 ml
Chabus 1st crude go de vey 3220 ₴
Gewurztraminer reserve ,alsace aoc,Gustave Lorentz 278 ₴
150 ml
Gewurztraminer reserve ,alsace aoc,Gustave Lorentz 1380 ₴
750 ml
Chardonnay, bourgogne aop, pasquier desvignes 216 ₴
150 ml
Chardonnay, bourgogne aop, pasquier desvignes 1080 ₴
750 ml'
Anjou white PDO, two valleys 780 ₴
750 ml
Gavi docg of the municipality of gavi, gian piero Marrone 2180 ₴
Lugana dop prestige, camaiol 284 ₴
150 ml
Lugana dop prestige, camaiol 1420 ₴
750 ml
Pinot Grigio, Veneto DOC, Spanish 216 ₴
150 ml
Pinot Grigio, Veneto DOC, Spanish 1080 ₴
750 ml
Soave classic doc, country 920 ₴
750 ml
White burgundy, baden qba, baron von maydell 196 ₴
150 ml
White burgundy, baden qba, baron von maydell 960 ₴
750 ml
Chardonnay ,blackstone 1220 ₴
Sauvignon blanc , sileni estates 198 ₴
150 ml
Sauvignon blanc , sileni estates 980 ₴
750 ml
Riesling, Peter Lehmann 196 ₴
150 ml
Riesling, Peter Lehmann 960 ₴
750 ml
Chenin blanc, classic collection 780 ₴